Supporting Research Statement
Please format your research statement as a Word document including the following headings:
Research Questions:
Be as specific as you can in articulating what you were trying to achieve. What were your starting points? How do these questions relate to the field as a whole?
What work already exists in the relevant fields of practice and/or theory? How do you expect to be able to advance on work that already exists? How does this work fit into your own personal research trajectory? Is it part of a body of work?
Which disciplinary fields of practice and/or theory do your methods derive from (e.g. Fine Art, Graphics, Industrial TV production, Video art, Experience Design, Film, TV and Screen Studies, Cultural and Media Studies, etc.)
What might other scholars, researchers and practitioners in the field learn from the work itself and/or new knowledge/insights from the research as a whole?
What demonstrable contribution, if any, has your practice made and/or do you envisage it making to the economy, society, culture, national security, public policy or services, health, the environment, or quality of life, beyond contributions to academia? If you have not yet recorded impact or disseminated the work, please detail future plans for impact/dissemination.
Include a bibliography/filmography at the end of your written statement. Please limit your statement to a maximum of 2000 words.
Referencing Guidelines
Screenworks uses a version of the Harvard author: date referencing system, as outlined below.
Book or report
Author’s surname, Author’s initials. (Year of publication) Title (in italics). Edition (if not the first). City of publication: Publisher.
Hemingway, E. (2003) Better reading French: a reader and guide to improving your understanding of written French. Chicago: McGraw-Hill.
Somerville, I. (1992) Software engineering. 4th ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
O’Pray, M. (2003) Avant-garde Film: Forms, Themes and Passions. London: Wallflower Press.
Chapter in an edited book
Author’s surname, Author’s initials. (Year of publication) ‘Title of contribution’. In: Author or Editor of Publication (Initials, Surname with ed(s) if relevant). Title of Book (in italics). Edition (if not the first). Volume number (if part of a series). Place of publication: Publisher. Year of publication of Book. First and last page numbers of contribution.
Smith, C. (1980) Problems of information studies in history. In: S. Stone, ed. Humanities information research. Sheffield: CRUS, 1980, pp. 27-30.
Friedberg, A. (2000) ‘The end of cinema: Multi-media and technological change’. In: Gledhill, C. and Williams, L., eds, Reinventing Film Studies. London: Arnold, pp. 438-52.
Journal article
Author surname, initial/s. (Year of publication) ‘Title of the article’. Journal Title. Volume no. (Part no.), page numbers.
Sandell, J. (1996) ‘Reinventing masculinity: The spectacle of male intimacy in the films of John Woo’. Film Quarterly. 49 (4), pp. 23-33.
Website Articles
Author Surname, Initial/s. (Year of publication). ‘Title of article’. Name of website [online]. Available from: [Accessed Date Month Year].
Teo, Stephen (2000) ‘Local and global identity: Whither Hong Kong cinema?’ Senses of Cinema [online]. 7. Available from [accessed 16 August 2009]
Note: you should include the main website URL and provide the date on which you accessed it. The format is indicated in square brackets for anything that is not a book or hard copy journal. ‘Available from’ is the Screenworks standard wording. We also recommend giving the home address, rather than the full URL.
Examples in text:
Vaswani (2006) points out that in India’s booming financial centre, Mumbai, there is also India’s largest slum Dharavi.
There is the contrast of India’s booming financial centre, Mumbai, also having India’s largest slum Dharavi (Vaswani 2006).
Example in the bibliography:
Vaswani, K. (2006) Growth gives hope to India’s poor [Online], London: BBC, Available at [accessed 19-09-08]
When referencing specific films (or other forms of media artefacts, such as sound recordings, installations etc.), you must also include a filmography at the end. List all work mentioned in alphabetical order by title and include at least the following information: Film Title (Director, date, Country of production).
Birth of a Nation (D.W. Griffith, 1915, USA)
Calamity Jane (David Butler, 1953, USA)
Close-Up (Abbas Kiarostami, 1990, Iran)
Shaun of the Dead (Edgar Wright, 2004, UK/France/USA)
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